Saturday 15 December 2012


Eastenders editing
They first focus the camera on the two characters lying on the bed, and then they cut when he stands up, to show that he is getting up.
We then hear a baby crying and it cuts, when he stands up to the woman, and it shows that she us aware that the baby is crying and she gets up. We also see the camera following her and then it moves up and stops on her face to show us her facial expression, her emotion. Till here, there were no dialogue used. I think this is because, they wanted us to get the feel of the emotions they are feeling.
Then it cuts to a bunch of flowers and we can hear a person speaking here on the phone to someone before we can actually see her. I think this is to show that she is fiddling with someone while shes talking on the phone and not just talking on the phone. It cuts here to show that there is someone else in the picture as well.
Then it cuts to a man  and the camera moves down to show that he is holding a phone which tells that she was talking to the this character.
After it cuts to his face to also show is facial expression and emotion. Again i think there is no dialogue here, to show how the man is feeling.
Then it cuts to a shot of a stairs and another different man who finds something and that someone is here, but by his facial expressions it shows that its not going to be good.
It then cuts to a mans feet on the door to show that he went outside and he picks up the milk and the camera moves up to show is whole body and it is a different person again. Then it cuts to show that he did come out of his house.
Then it cuts to a man spreading butter on a piece of bread, telling us that it is morning and he is getting ready to eat breakfast. Throughout the whole sequence it shows us that it is morning, by showing us them getting out bed, having a cup of tea, making breakfast and also the cloths they are wearing are pyjamas which also gives out the clue that it is morning.
I think not having dialogue is more effective in a way to show how someone is feeling because when you are talking, you don't really focus on the facial expression much but instead, what that person is saying.
The 1st- 13seconds
The 2nd- 12seconds
The 3rd- 17seconds
The 4th cut- 35seconds
The 5th cut- 15seconds
The 6th cut- 19 seconds
The 7th cut- 5 seconds
The 8th cut- 2 seconds
I think they held the shots longer for when there was dialogue on the scene because it was a phone call, and we had to hear what they were saying till the end. The shots are less shorter when there is no dialogue and is just showing that persons emotion.  At the end it cut very quickly as it didn't really have a much of a meaning.

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